Retrospectiva 2008 - Os melhores de 2008
Ontem publicamos o melhor episódio de 2008 segundo a Revista Times.
Hoje, segue a lista completa dos 10 melhores episódios e também as 10 melhores séries de 2008:
Top 10 - TV Episodes
1. Lost, "The Constant"
2. The Shield, "Family Meeting"
3. The Wire, "Late Editions"
4. In Treatment, "Alex — Week Eight"
5. Breaking Bad, Pilot6. Battlestar Galactica, "Revelations"
7. The Colbert Report, Jan. 22 episode
8. 30 Rock, "Cooter"
9. Mad Men, "A Night to Remember"
10. You Suck at Photoshop, "Distort, Warp and Layer Effects"
Top 10 - TV Series
1. The Shield
2. Mad Men
3. The Presidential election
4. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
5. The Wire
6. Breaking Bad
7. Lost8. Battlestar Galactica
9. Architecture School
10. Chuck
Fonte: Time Magazine
E assim, concluimos a Retrospectiva 2008.
Feliz 2009 à todos!
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